December 14, 2007

I'm Sorry Sister

I'm sorry sister if through these gates I can't let you through
You see all these brazen lines in front of you
My mommy has drawn them for me and you
You can't go beyond them even if I want you to

I know what you try to do and I feel for you
To be part of this family for you are my father's child too
But my mother is not your mother
And into our house you can't go any further

Please little sister you've got to understand
If all your pleas and cries I can withstand
This family is sacred to my mommy
And to her, I pledged my loyalty

Much as I'd like you to be part of our world
I'm afraid with you comes a deadly chord
I'd rather hear your pain and see you cry
Than hear my mother's sighs and watch her die

I'm sorry sister if it brings you shame
If rights to my family you don't have a claim
And anyone of us you cannot blame
We're all victims here of your parents' game

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